I always fall in love at first sight, mathematic, i've a talent for it (falling in love, not math)
I STARTED THINKING THAT WITH LOVE, MAN/WOMAN TURNS INTO an ANIMAL. feromon is a release hormone produced by endocrine glands,in the person who perceives it it has the effect of arousing aggressive or sexual extroverted behaviours. love at first sight means finding a "nose" who smells your feromon in the moment you release it. so love at first sight is a romantic fart of the heart.
i'm into that because I wanted to know if i've always been stupid, lucky, clairvoyant or animal
second wise stupidity: when u fall in love at first sight, you can never use again you knees properly,that means that the first love lasts forever (where love means hate, nothing, butterflies, peas, cheese, flowers, cheats, tears blablabla, boredon, birthdays), stays there forever but it dries in the time, so you fall in love the second time 4 another person, even if your knees are already in quite bad conditions, soonafter the second love dries too. after that you have the third love at first sight and your knees are pretty destroyed but since you are still youg they resist. than the third dries too. all the dried loves last forever, layered one on the top of each other, that's why it' seems to you that the story coms alays the same over and over in the same posy of dried flowers.
the very big deal in all this "breaking knees over and over again" is: resignation, you'll never walk as when you did not know love, the second very big deal is: deciding if u want to keep on reducing to a mush your legs or buy a common-man-shaped wheel chair named "comfortable love".
this crappy english is making you crazy, I know, I wish I was cleaner in writing it so that you felt it's a plausible answer.
personally, i'm still cooking my bones into a hot human soup and I suffer my daily pain of realizing that i'm still wishing to mingle my personal soup with those of one another. the third big deal is: even if you fall in love at firt sight and the other person does the same, you still cook yourself by yourself, on your own. you are alone, a fact. so what's the sense in that? the sense is spending time avoiding boredom and suicide. in a list of values, these 2 things come first and second. love is an attached of fun in the game.
what about your knees L?
I STARTED THINKING THAT WITH LOVE, MAN/WOMAN TURNS INTO an ANIMAL. feromon is a release hormone produced by endocrine glands,in the person who perceives it it has the effect of arousing aggressive or sexual extroverted behaviours. love at first sight means finding a "nose" who smells your feromon in the moment you release it. so love at first sight is a romantic fart of the heart.
i'm into that because I wanted to know if i've always been stupid, lucky, clairvoyant or animal
second wise stupidity: when u fall in love at first sight, you can never use again you knees properly,that means that the first love lasts forever (where love means hate, nothing, butterflies, peas, cheese, flowers, cheats, tears blablabla, boredon, birthdays), stays there forever but it dries in the time, so you fall in love the second time 4 another person, even if your knees are already in quite bad conditions, soonafter the second love dries too. after that you have the third love at first sight and your knees are pretty destroyed but since you are still youg they resist. than the third dries too. all the dried loves last forever, layered one on the top of each other, that's why it' seems to you that the story coms alays the same over and over in the same posy of dried flowers.
the very big deal in all this "breaking knees over and over again" is: resignation, you'll never walk as when you did not know love, the second very big deal is: deciding if u want to keep on reducing to a mush your legs or buy a common-man-shaped wheel chair named "comfortable love".
this crappy english is making you crazy, I know, I wish I was cleaner in writing it so that you felt it's a plausible answer.
personally, i'm still cooking my bones into a hot human soup and I suffer my daily pain of realizing that i'm still wishing to mingle my personal soup with those of one another. the third big deal is: even if you fall in love at firt sight and the other person does the same, you still cook yourself by yourself, on your own. you are alone, a fact. so what's the sense in that? the sense is spending time avoiding boredom and suicide. in a list of values, these 2 things come first and second. love is an attached of fun in the game.
what about your knees L?